:: Unrestricted Reuse in Compliance with BOAI

World Essays Journal is committed to follow the Open Access movement recommendations by Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

In response to the growing demand to make research free and available to anyone with a computer and an internet connection, a diverse coalition has issued new guidelines that could usher in huge advances in the sciences, medicine, and health.

These recommendations were developed by leaders of the Open Access movement, which has worked for the past decade to provide the public with unrestricted, free access to scholarly research—much of which is publicly funded. Making the research publicly available to everyone—free of charge and without most copyright and licensing restrictions—will accelerate scientific research efforts and allow authors to reach a larger number of readers.

The recommendations are the result of a meeting organized by the Open Society Foundations to mark the tenth anniversary of Budapest Open Access Initiative, which first defined Open Access. The recommendations include the development of Open Access policies in institutions of higher education and in funding agencies, the open licensing of scholarly works, the development of infrastructure such as Open Access repositories and creating standards of professional conduct for Open Access publishing. The recommendations also establish a new goal of achieving Open Access as the default method for distributing new peer-reviewed research in every field and in every country within ten years’ time.

Journal Info

Editor in chief: 
Professor Noradin Ghadimi
Abbreviated key title: World Essays J
ISSN (Print): 2310-8509
ISSN (online): 2310-1377
Periodicity: Quarterly
Publisher: Science Explorer Publications


World Essays Journal is licensed under a
"Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)"


The journal is addressed to both practicing professionals and researchers in the industry,professionals in academia,former researchers and MSc,PhD students and other specialists interested in the of scientific research in Basic and applied sciences.